Flat Quirks
Windows & Security.
Now don’t panic at the title, I’ve lived in the East End since 1998 and nothing has ever happened. But we Londoners are always cautious. If you are staying over the summer, we recommend you leave one of the big windows open in the living room at night. But not if it’s raining, since the rain comes right in. Also please close the large window if you leave for the day (small windows can be left open, they don’t let rain in.)
Please make sure you double lock the door to the flat, when you go out for the day. That simply involves hearing it click shut when you close it and then locking the bottom lock with the longest key on the key ring.
The main entrance to the building does not need to be locked, that door clicks shut on its own.
Should you accidentally lock yourselves out - then you are locked out. So don’t do that.
The TV.
Or Telly as we call it in the UK. Move the soundbar to the right, not centred with the TV. If it is centred it covers up the receiver for the remote (that red dot at the bottom of the screen). If you use the smart TV function, which means you access content with the back remote, then that remote will also adjust the volume on the soundbar. Conversely the grey Apple TV remote will do so if you are accessing Apple TV content.
The Record Player
& Sonos
The record player is hard wired into Sonos. To turn it on reach around to the back for the on and off switch, a blue light will show when it’s on. Then select whatever record you fancy and play away. The arm of the record player does not retract on its own so please be sure to do that and not to leave it spinning endlessly.
As for Sonos you should be able to connect directly via apps such as Spotify. Our wifi network is 5GHz-EE-bsxkhe the password is
written on the back of the router which is in the small white cabinet on your left as you walk from the entrance into the living room.
If you get time on your visit to our flat we ask that you buy us a record, there are plenty of vintage record shops, one right next door to Bright (see the east London restaurant section). Stranger Than Paradise Records www.strangerthanparadiserecords.com We call this the Vinyl Tax. Only needs to be meaningful to you, about your trip to London, your life, something about us, whatever you fancy. Just leave us a note about why you chose it.
And as of 2024 we have a CD player too, so you can enjoy the 600+ CDs. But buy us Vinyl!
Should you wish to exercise in the flat, we have a rower in the living room and a Peloton in the bedroom. The rower is self explanatory if you are familiar with rowers. If not, I recommend you check out a YouTube tutorial. If you have a Peloton account, you can login to our bike using it. That will simply mean your bike at home will be deactivated until you return. We do this. We have one account and we use it in the US and the UK by activating and deactivating our bikes.
There are also two PureGyms in the area, the closest is at Limehouse. These are great, super cheap and don’t require a contract, you can buy a day, week or month pass. www.puregym.com
There are usually plenty of oils, vinegar and spices. We rely upon friends and family using the flat to stock up for us, when needed.
Coffee machine
There are instructions on the drawer under it. It makes amazing coffee. There’s also a French press, and a stove-top Bialetti. Depending on which nation you come from, figure out what you need and enjoy the morning.
Left dial: two turns right for main oven (the fan/propeller symbol). Right dial: Temp control. Light goes off when the heat is reached.
Gas hob:
Self igniting rings, but you need to press down, turn and hold them for a couple of seconds so it takes, it’s a safety feature.
Washing machine.
Instructions on front of machine. Drying mechanism does not work, please don’t try it. Hang clothes on drying rack (rack is in cupboard between the bedroom and bathroom) or take to drycleaners at Canary Wharf. There’s an ironing board and iron in same cupboard. Clothes dry readily on rack over night. Welcome to Europe - LOL.
Will need sharpening, they always do. Please feel free to correct any bluntness.
Trash & recycling:
There are bins outside the flat in the large metal cage. Recycling is pink on the right. The four grey metal bins are for rubbish.
They are hardy. Don’t need water in the winter. We will ask if we want you to water them in summer. If you think they look sad or worried, send us a picture. There are three, only two are pictured.
There is a wall-bed!
We’ve upgraded the ‘guest space’ with a wall-bed where the office space was (for those of you familiar with the flat). You unlatch it from the top left or right, gently pull it forward and it will take over from there. When the bed is down there is storage for your odds, USB chargers and lights. It also has a small wardrobe built in.
Odd Stuff
To run a bath turn the top handle to the left, for a shower turn it to the right. The larger knob at the bottom controls the temperature.
Mushroom lamps and ones that look like candelabras.
You can charge these on the white cabinet where the router is. They are portable and handy for reading in the evening if you don’t want the main lights on.
Lights over dinning room table.
These are turned on an off from the switch under the mirrors where the “office” is. I’ve written on the wall to make it obvious.
Your last day…
Close all the windows, especially the big living room doors over the canal.
Pull down all the living room blinds. Don’t need to worry about the blinds in the bedroom.
Make sure the fan is off, if you were using it.
Turn off the coffee maker and make sure the record player isn’t spinning.
Take out any trash or recycling. Also remove and take to the trash any perishable items in the fridge.
Strip the bed and leave the linen on the floor near the kitchen.
Make sure you haven’t left and valuables or cables; it might be a while until you see them again.
Be sure the front door clicks and you lock the bottom lock too.
Safe travels.
Love Vic & Blair.